Rebeca Duran

Rebeca Duran

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


How to Become a Realtor in Brazil

Rebeca Duran

Rebeca Duran

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


There is a large demand for realtors in Brazil, although many people who want to enter this market don't know how to do it. This article reveals step by step what procedures are required to become a realtor in the country.

To become a licensed realtor in Brazil a few procedures are required. Basically, three steps must be followed:

  • Enrollment in an technical course of Real Estate Transactions or in Technology Management of Real Estate Business degree.
  • Internship registry in the local Regional Realtor and Real Estate Council, also known as Conselho Regional dos Corretores e Imóveis (CRECI).
  • Registry in CRECI as a professional and licensed realtor.

What is CRECI?

CRECI was created to fulfill the need to organize and to prevent the bad exercise of the realtor professional activity. Legally, the Council represents a federal corporate autarchy, which means that it represents an organization created by the state that has the autonomy to direct a series of functions or services according to the collective interests of the realtor class.

The First Step

Any citizen can become a realtor if he/she has the CRECI registry. This procedure is necessary because working without an official registry is a crime, according to the Brazilian constitution.

To register in the Council, it is necessary to be registered in the course or degree mentioned above.

CRECI doesn't offer any courses, but a lot of others institutions do. The courses can be developed in person or at distance. To guarantee the validity and quality of the chosen course it is recommended a verification: if it is regularized by CRECI and if it is recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC). The duration and the cost of the course or degree depends on the chosen institution.

To be registered in a Real Estate Transactions technical course or in a Technology Management of Real Estate Business degree, the following documents must be presented in the course institution:

The Second Step

Now that the student is registered in an institution and studying, he/she must look for an internship. Just like in any other career, the internship is requested in the realtors market. Then the student must require to CRECI the internship registry: this will be obligatory to obtain not only the diploma, but also the professional realtor registration in the future.

Students must present a declaration proving the internship period which they will be subjected. The internship needs to fulfill at least 128 hours of work, but the recommended duration is 160 hours.

To apply for the internship registry, students must access the CRECI website on Inscrição Estagiário (Internship Registration). There, they must complete the application forms also known as formulários de requerimento, print and sign them. Students also can access all the information about the documentation required and the payment slip, also known as boleto bancário. Then the documentation must be taken to the nearest CRECI office to request the registry.

The Third Step

Having the course concluded and the diploma obtainment and regularized by the Educational State Department, or Secretaria Estadual de Educação, the future realtors can ask for their definitive registry in the CRECI website in the Inscrição Principal (Main Registry) link. The forms (formulários de requerimento) must be completed, printed and signed and all information about the documentation required and the boleto bancário can be accessed in the same web page. The documentation has to be delivered to the nearest CRECI office to request the registry.

Before being endorsed by the Plenary Council, the registration process is subjected to an analysis, which is the responsibility of a Commission. Under normal conditions this entire procedure, from the application until getting the labor card, takes in average 30 days.