Import of antique cars to Brazil
Vehicles older than 30 years can only be imported with cultural and collection intentions by private persons. This article will give you an overview about the process of importing antique vehicles to Brazil.
As the paperwork to be outlined in this article can intimidate you, we recommend you to contact a customs broker specialized in importing cars to Brazil.
Many people confuse antique cars with used cars, what is not the same thing. So be aware of the car you want to import. To obtain import authorizations, it is important to have a vehicle with good conservation and also originality conditions.
Agencies Involved in the Process
- Departamento de Operações de Comércio Exterior (DECEX)
- Sistema Integrado de Comércio Exterior (SISCOMEX)
- Banco Central (BACEN)
- Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA)
- Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil (RFB)
- Departamento de Operações de Comércio Exterior (Decex)
First Step: the authorization
The first step to import your antique car to Brazil is to obtain a SISCOMEX authorization, which is the organization controlling all foreign trade transactions made in Brazil. To access the SISCOMEX system, is necessary to be registered on their system.
To get this authorization, your personal documents, proof of your personal income, information about the vehicle to be imported and also about the seller will be required. So at this first step, you already need to know everything about the vehicle you are planning to import.
If everything is correct on this stage, you will receive the SISCOMEX authorization in 30 days.
Second Step: buying the car
After getting the SISCOMEX authorization, the foreign that is selling the car to you must issue a Pro-forma Invoice, a document that must contain information such as the seller, the buyer and the validity of the proposal, characteristics of the vehicle and its total price, including the process of transport.
In this document it is important to be highlighted the payment method of the vehicle, that must be done before the car boarding.
Third Step: Filling in the form two requirements
1. MICT is the first requirement to be filled in the form. At first, it is necessary to send one document from FBVA to Rio de Janeiro that proves that the car is antique (more than 30 years old) and original. To get this document, it is necessary to provide five pictures of the vehicle and technical information.
2. IBAMA is the second and last requirement to be filled in the form. At IBAMA’s website you find the Waiver Request Form to be printed and the payment guide to be forwarded to the IBAMA’s sector in Brasilia. This step can take almost one month.
Fourth Step: paying the car
After getting the MICT and IBAMA requirements filled in the form, you will have the import license (LI). And now, you are allowed to import. In this step you have to make the car payment. If you have an account in any Brazilian bank, it can be easily done.
After the car payment and all the documentation with you, you will receive another document called “Customs Clearance”, or Despacho Aduaneiro (DA), in Portuguese.
Fifth step: arriving in Brazil
After completing all the previous steps your car should arrive in Brazil in approximately 90 days. When arriving at customhouse your vehicle will be submitted to a survey in which there will be checked documentation and the parts of the vehicle as well.
Do not forget that after making this process, you will now have to pay all the taxes to “Receita Federal”, this include (Import Duty, IPI, PIS, COFINS e ICMS).
You should assume that the cost of importing a car to Brazil is between 90 and 120% of the foreign value of the car. So if you will import an antique car to Brazil, be sure that the car you have chosen is the right one for you.