Juliana Mello

Juliana Mello

The Brazil Business


Import of Used Goods to Brazil

Juliana Mello

Juliana Mello

The Brazil Business


The general rule that orients the import of used goods in Brazil is very simple. One cannot import used goods that are produced in the country. Based on this principle, there are some exceptions that you will be informed in this article.

Importing used goods: a complex procedure

In most of the world, imports of used and re-manufactured materials are subject to stringent internal standards. The reasons are public health concerns about the environment and treatment of industrial waste. Commercially, there are several reasons for States to impose restrictions on international trade of used goods: to avoid becoming landfills of outdated technology or damaging the national economy with unfair competition.

As a general rule, there is a more restrictive import of used consumer goods and a little less restrictive in imports of capital goods, such as machinery and equipment for industries. In essence, the process of importing used goods into Brazil is extremely complex and must be dealt with the utmost caution, therefore, the careful analysis of the legal provisions relating to the topic is a very important measure for the success of the operation.

In Brazil, the import of used goods is regulated by the Departamento de Operações de Comércio Exterior (Foreign Operations Department), known as DECEX, which is a body subordinated to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior). All the rules about import of used goods are in SECEX Ordinance number 235/2006.

What used goods are allowed to import to Brazil?

According to the Ordinance nº 8 of DECEX, the following used goods are allowed to be imported to Brazil:

  • Machines, equipment, instruments, tools, molds and containers destined to the transport of cargo
  • Machines, equipment and instruments destined to reconstruction performed by companies in accordance with the international technical standards and add inputs to the local production.
  • Parts, spare parts and accessories destined to the maintenance of machines and equipment since the recycling process is done by the manufacturer and those goods are not available for purchase in Brazil
  • Goods imported through the temporary importation regimen. Know more about this process here
  • Inherited assets
  • Cultural assets
  • Production relocation done in accordance to the laws of national economy’s interest
  • Ancient vehicles, with more than 30 years old, for purposes of collection or exhibition
  • Naval vessels for purposes of transporting passengers and cargos
  • Aircrafts, after approval of ANAC/COTAC
  • Fishing vessels, after approval of the Ministry of Fishing and Aquaculture
  • Aircraft parts and accessories, since the recycling process is done by the manufacturer and after approval of ANAC/COTAC
  • Parts, spare parts and accessories destined to the maintenance of machines and equipment of informatic and telecommunications’ industries, since the recycling process is done by the manufacturer
  • Postal items without commercial value

Import of used consumer goods

The import of used consumer goods (including products, clothes, utensils, eletronics etc) is strictly prohibited except for imports of any goods in the form of DONATION, directly incurred by the Government, public entities indirectly, educational, scientific and technological institutions, and charitable organizations recognized as charitable or nonprofit organizations for their own use and to meet institutional purposes. The institutions that receive these goods cannot use them with commercial purposes, such as charity bazaars.

Importing used goods: how to proceed?

The first step is to request the Licença de Importação (Import License) before the SISCOMEX, which is a computerized system that connects exporters, importers, forwarders customs commissioners, carriers and other entities to DECEX. After the register, DECEX will analyze the request approving or denying it. If approved, the process of import can follow the next bureaucratic steps. More information about the SISCOMEX license here.

After obtaining the license, the procedures and documentation are different, depending on what kind of goods the importer is willing to bring to Brazil. Any doubts about the importation of used goods should be sent to the institutional channel of DECEX, via email: decex.cgim@desenvolvimento.gov.br