Rebeca Duran

Rebeca Duran

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


Plastic Surgery Market in Brazil

Rebeca Duran

Rebeca Duran

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


The media and the worship of appearance are probably the main reasons which led Brazilians to be the second country in the world performing the most cosmetic surgeries. Learn more about this market in Brazil.

Beauty standards are always changing along the history, the time and the society in which they are inserted are the main responsibles for this constant movement. Nowadays, the media is probably the main influence over the standard. Presently in the day-to-day activities of individuals, the media, added to people relations that are more and more ephemeral, are the main causes for the excessive concern with beauty.

Brazilians Wants to “Look Nice”

The locality and the culture are also important factors that explain such concern. In the Occidental world the body valorization is huge. The pressure to be thin and as well as Brazil is a tropical country, in which the heat provides larger visibility of the body, creates in Brazilians the desire to be in good shape.

The number of plastic surgeries in Brazil increased 120% between 2009 and 2012. More than 1.5 million surgeries were performed in the country, which put Brazil in the first position of the international ranking of the proportion surgery per inhabitant. Cosmetic surgeries are still the ones with the greatest demand, but reconstructive surgeries - which correct damages caused by violence or accidents - already appears in the statistics.

Quantities of Plastic Surgeries in the World

Brazil could be the seventh economy in the world, but when talking about plastic surgery, the country is ranked in the second position of countries where this practice is most performed, corresponding to almost 10% of the total amount of plastic surgeries performed in the whole country, 6.3 million.

Countries Number of Plastic Surgeries(thousand) Number of Plastic Surgeons(thousand)
Unites States 1.094.0 5.950
Brazil 905.1 5.024
China 415.1 2.000

Most Popular Calls

Brazil has a vast range of plastic surgeries, but some of them are really searched by Brazilians, like the ones mentioned above.

Procedure Numbers of Surgeries (thousand)
Liposuction 211
Breast Implant 148
Abdominoplasty 95
Remotion of Skin Excess in Eyelids 90
Breast Reduction 66

Despite being counted as one of the countries with the most performed surgeries, Brazil is a global champion in other unusual surgeries. For example, from each 6 surgeries of vaginal rejuvenation, one is performed in Brazilian lands. Only in 2011, 9 thousand surgeries of this type were performed in the country, against 2.4 thousand in United State. This means Brazil is the country that has done the most vaginal rejuvenation in the world.

Brazil as World Champion

Procedure Surgeries in Brazil (thousand) Surgeries in United States (thousand)
Correction of Prominent Ears 28 7.8
Lips Increase 23.3 4.4
Male Breast Reduction 22.9
Gluteal Prosthesis 21.4 5.9
Vaginal Rejuvenation 9.0 2.4