Patrick Bruha

Patrick Bruha

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


Radar Pessoa Física In A Nutshell

Patrick Bruha

Patrick Bruha

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


In Brazil, individuals that want to be a part of the foreign trade operations which account for more than USD 3.000 for professional purposes, as well as for personal collections or own consumption, must be registered with Siscomex. In this article, we will take a look at Radar Pessoa Física.

Overview of Radar

Radar stands for Sistema de Rastreamento da Atuação dos Intervenientes Aduaneiros, which is Portuguese for Ambient of Registration and Tracking of Activities of the Customs Agents. Before starting any import or export operations in Brazil, it is necessary to get an authorization for such activities from Receita Federal do Brasil, which is the Brazilian Federal Revenue. In a few words, Radar is a license that grants access to Siscomex, which is the Integrated System of External Commerce within the Federal Revenue.

Siscomex is the instrument that integrates registration, follow-up and control of every foreign trade operation through a single computerized flow of information. This system is administered by Secex, the Foreign Trade Secretariat, together with Receita Federal and Bacen, the Central Bank of Brazil.

Individuals or legal entities who are interested in operating in foreign trade, whether importing or exporting, are required to obtain a Radar License. Since 2012, there are only three different types of Radar Licenses:

What is Radar Pessoa Física

Radar Pessoa Física is a special license that is granted to individuals that will import or export goods in the following cases:

  • For professional activities - if the importer/exporter is a farmer, an artisan or similar
  • For personal collections
  • For own use and consumption

When is it not needed

Individuals in the following cases are not required to have a Radar Pessoa Física:

  • Import/export of goods - when the importer/exporter opts to use the Simplified Import Declaration or the Simplified Export Declaration
  • Unaccompanied baggage and other imports and exports over which the law provides that it is not mandatory to issue a Simplified Import Declaration
  • Import or export realized through the Brazilian Post and Telegraph Company or through an international courier service

But, for all of the cases mentioned above, if there is a foreign trade operation which involves the Manaus Free Trade Zone, the importer/exporter needs to be registered with Siscomex.

Necessary Documents and Procedures

The documents necessary for applying for a Radar Pessoa Física are the following:

  • Notarized copy of Identity Document - RG, CPF, CNH, RNE or Passport
  • Notarized copy of proof of address, phone or electricity bill in the name of the importer
  • Proof of payment of Income Tax with registration data of the importer
  • Power of attorney of the representative with notarized signature, if necessary
  • Proof of agriculture producer, if applicable
  • Copy of artisan ID card, if applicable
  • Requerimento de Habilitação, Portuguese for Application for Qualification, which can be downloaded here

All the documents mentioned above must be presented at a Receita Federal office.

It is also possible to apply online for a Radar License. The applicant must:

  • Login onto the eCac system
  • Download the Programa Gerador de Solicitação de Juntada, which will allow the applicant to send documents to Receita Federal
  • Save the documents as a pdf document and upload them to the eCac system
  • Send the pdf document through the eCac system

Terms and Deadlines

Even though the limit is set for each six month period, a Radar license is valid for 18 months for both Limited and Unlimited licenses. This period is counted from the granting of the license or from the date when the last foreign trade operation registered with Siscomex was made.

Since 2012, the waiting time for a license was reduced. Previously, the Receita Federal had a lead time of 30 days to grant the license. Now, this has been lowered to 10 days for both limited and unlimited licenses. But, for the express license, the lead time is of 2 days.