Rebeca Duran

Rebeca Duran

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


Truck Restriction Zones in São Paulo

Rebeca Duran

Rebeca Duran

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


In order to improve the traffic in the city, the government of São Paulo created the Zona de Máxima Restrição à Circulação, also known as ZMRC. In this article you will find out what is ZMRC, where and how it is applied.

ZMRC is short for Zona de Máxima Restrição de Circulação, which is the Zone of Maximum Traffic Restrictions. The ZMRC comprises of an area with high concentration of stores and service activities in the São Paulo municipality and delimits that, in these areas, trucks are restricted to circulate in specific periods of the day.

According to this measure, trucks are forbidden to circulate within the ZMRC in the following times of the day, except during holidays:

  • to Monday to Friday: from 5 am to 9 pm
  • in Saturdays: to 10 am to 2 pm

The area of the ZMRC is limited by the black lines as shown in the picture, while the purple lines represent the rush hour drive restrictions:

Fines Applied

The supervision of the ZMRC is very severe: the Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego or Traffic Engineering Department, known as CET has implemented more than 51 monitoring cameras and has increased the number of CET motorcycles and cars in ZMRC areas. Besides that, 1450 traffics signs were installed in São Paulo with information regarding ZMRC.

Fines are applied to violations of ZMRC determinations. Each fine is BRL 85,13 in addition to adding four points to the driving license of the driver who infringed the determination. The fines can be applied in two different ways:

  • to the truck drivers who transit in areas or periods prohibited by the ZMRC
  • to truck infractions of the rush hour drive restriction.

Alternatives to Trucks Circulation in ZMRC

Inside the ZMRC, there are places in which trucks are free to run at any time.

Areas Free from ZMRC Restrictions

The green lines in the picture are shows the areas exempt from the ZMRC restriction, which are:

  • Avenida Rebouças
  • Avenida Eusébio Matoso
  • Avenida Nove de Julho
  • Avenida Cidade Jardim, between Avenida Brig. Haroldo Veloso and Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima
  • Avenida São Gabriel
  • Avenida Santo Amaro, between Avenida São Gabriel and Avenida Bandeirantes
  • Avenida Paulista, between Rua da Consolação and Praça Oswaldo Cruz
  • Avenida Prestes Maia
  • Passagem Tom Jobim
  • Avenida Rio Branco
  • Avenida Senador Queirós between Rua da Cantareira and Praça. Alfredo Issa
  • Avenida Ipiranga, between Praça Alfredo Issa and Avenida São Luiz
  • Avenida São Luiz
  • Viaduto 9 de Julho
  • Viaduto Jacareí
  • Rua Maria Paula
  • Viaduto Dona Paulina.

Trucks Allowed to Circulate in ZMRC

The trucks that perform one of the following functions are authorized to circulate in ZMRC in some specific times of the day:

Full time, 24 hours of the day:

  • urban vehicle of cargo
  • journalistic coverage
  • emergency services (ambulances, fire brigade and police)
  • emergency service related to traffic signaling
  • emergency mechanical assistance
  • constructions and emergency services.

From 5 am to 4 pm

  • garbage collection
  • concreting services
  • removal of earth of civil constructions.

From 10 am to 4 pm

  • provision of essential public services
  • removal of rubbish and transportation
  • transportation of dangerous products of local consumption.

From 10 am to 8 pm

Trucks that Need a Special Authorization to Circulate in ZMRC

The trucks that perform one of the following functions need an autorização especial or special authorization to circulate in ZMRC in specific periods of the day:

Full time, 24 hours of the day

  • emergency mechanical assistance
  • constructions and services of emergency.

From 5 am to 12 pm

  • transportation of perishable food.

From 5 am to 4 pm

  • trucks supplying to street markets
  • moving
  • services and works of urban infrastructure.

Documents Required to Register in Special Authorization

In order to get the ZMRC exemption, some types of trucks must have the Special Authorization issued by the Departamento de Operação do Sistema Viário, known as DSV, which is the Department of Operation of the Road System.

In the São Paulo Municipality web page is possible to apply for the registry in Autorização Especial. The following documentation must be delivered in a 15 days term:

  • Requirement to the Cadastro de Caminhões, which is the Trucks Registry, and to the Autorização Especial
  • identity card and CPF copies of the benefit, if it is a private person
  • CNPJ and CPF copies (of the driver) who is requesting the license
  • Certificate of the Registro de Licenciamento do Veículo, also known as CRLV, which is the Registry of Vehicle License
  • Specific Articles of Attorney
  • Articles of Association.

The documentation shall be sent:

In person to:

DSV / Autorizações Especiais (DSV-AE)
Rua Sumidouro, 740 - Térreo – Pinheiros - CEP: 05428-010
From Monday to Friday, to 9 am to 5 pm.

Or by mail to:

DSV / Autorizações Especiais - DSV-AE
Isenção de Rodízio Municipal
Caixa Postal 11.400 - CEP 05422-970