Weather in Brazil
Find in this article everything you need to know about weather in Brazilian cities. Differently from what many people would think, the weather in Brazil is not always hot and sunny.
Brazil is the biggest country of South America, occupying 47% of this whole territory. Being the fifth bigger country of the world, only behind of Russia, Canada, China and United States of America, the country has many different aspects regarding to its regions.

These different aspects could be applied to the weather once, according to the region, you will find very different ways of seeing Brazil. We have decided to outline the Brazilian weather divided per region highlighting what would be a good option for dressing in a business meeting according to the seasons.
South Region
The south region is known in Brazil as the coldest area in the country, and it is. Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul are the Brazilian states farthest from the equator line, receiving less heat than the other states.
Summer: This season is very rainy in the South region. The average maximum temperature in this season is about 72.2°F /22°C in highlands and about 86°F/30°C in areas closer to the ocean. The season in Brazil starts in December and goes until March.
If you are coming to Brazil for business reasons at the South region during this period, remember bringing medium tissues clothes. Another important point is: never get out of anywhere in South region without an umbrella.
Winter: This season is not rainy as summer, although the rain is very well distributed during the whole year. The average minimum temperature in this season is about 60.8°F/16C° in areas near the ocean and about 42°F/5°c in highlands reaching 32°F/0°C or less in coldest days, occurring frosts or also slight snow rain.
If you are coming to Brazil for business reasons at the South region during this period remember bringing thick clothes. It is important to remember you that the winter in Brazil is not as severe as an European or Canadian winter. The season starts in June and goes until September.
Southeast Region
The Southeast region is very different from the South. Being visited by many foreign business people due to São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the region is not as cold as the south. There are many people that would say that the Southeast region, in special São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, has the four seasons of the year in only one day.
Summer: In this season, most commonly in January, the average maximum temperature is about 86°F/30ºC in coast areas and about 77°F/25°C in highlands. This period is very rainy, but the rain is strong and fast, called “summer rain”.
If you are coming to Brazil for business reasons during the summer remember bringing soft tissues clothes. As mentioned before, never forget to get out of home carrying a coat, as this region presents sudden changes of temperature in the same day.
Winter: As in the South region, Southeast has rains well distributed throughout the year and during the winter, the rain is present but not so heavy, taking longer time to end during the day. The minimum temperature is about 50°F/10ºC in higher areas and about 64.4°F/18ºC in areas near the ocean.
If you are coming to Brazil for business reasons during this period remember bringing medium tissues clothes and a few thick ones, in case of coldest days. Another important point mentioned before is: never get out of home without an umbrella.
Central-West Region
The central-west region is known for presenting a mix of south and southeast temperatures. The region presents the tropical temperature well specified having very rainy summers and dry winters.
Summer: As mentioned before, this region presents much rain during this period and only during summer. The maximum average temperature is about 95°F/35°C, but this information varies a lot according to the years.
If you are coming to Brazil for business reasons during this period remember bringing soft tissues clothes , mainly for January, hottest month of the central-westsummer.
Winter: This is not a much delimitated season in this region. The temperature varies between 50°F/10°C to 68°F./20°C It is a very dry season, what makes the thermal sensation coldest than it is.
If you are planning to come to Brazil for business reasons during this period remember bringing medium tissue clothes and do not forget drinking water to avoid future colds or flues.
Northeast Region
As south is the coldest region of the country, the Northeast is the hottest and also most problematic one, when talking about weather. The population suffers a lot due to the water scarcity and when there is rain, the population suffers with the floods.
Summer: This period is characterized by rains at the northeast region, mostly in January and February beginning. That´s when happen the floods , but only in poor areas without infrastructure. The average temperature is between 82°F/27°C and 100°F/38°C.
If you are planning to visit Brazil for business reasons during this period, remember bringing very soft tissue clothes.
Winter: This season is problematic for being extremely dry and also sunny in many states of northeast. Yes, you did not read wrong. The average minimum temperature varies between 59°F/15°C and 70°F/21°C.
If you are planning to come to Brazil for business reasons during the Northeast winter, remember that you are going to visit the hottest region of the country, so bring soft tissues and a few coats.
North Region
Having the biggest area of amazon forest of the world, the region is characterized by being hot and wet. It is common to hear people talking about how rainy is this region, once north is the region most wet of the country.
Summer: This period is characterized by being rainy, mostly at the in the afternoon. The average maximum temperature vary between 75.2°F/24°C and 80.6°F/27°C.
Visiting Brazil’s north region during this period requires bringing very soft tissues clothes and never forgetting having an umbrella with you.
Winter: this region do not present much differences between the seasons of the year, only the quantity of rain. During the winter there is a reduction of the rain volume, more specifically during June and November period.
The clothing in this period is not very different from the summer one, once the mainly change occurs on the rain volume and not on the temperature. Bringing a few coats would be nice only for care