How can I get a CPF No. Whom to apply? Is there any specific application forms and if so, how to get it?

We wish to market our batteries to Brazil. As a procedure, we have to register with Comprasnet/SICAF. How can we proceed to do this. As a first step we are supposed to obtain a CPF No. How do we get it? Whom to apply. If we can get the e-mail ID or web site in English to fill required forms, it will be most helpful. Or if there are any service providers or consultants who will extend their services, we would like to have their details.

All requirements are to be in English to enable us understand and proceed.

Best regards

Unnikrishnan NAIR P K Manager - Exports & Imports Southern Batteries Private Limited Bangalore, India. Tel: 91 9686952156

posted 1 decade ago by
Unnikrishnan Nair


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