branches of the policy


There are 213 results for "branches of the policy" on The Brazil Business.


Eike Batista

Ranked as the 8th richest person in the world, Eike Batista's privileged background and legitimate interest in business has granted him the title of wealthiest and most successful Brazilian businessman.

7 Challenges SMES face in Brazil

Over the last months we have written several articles regarding bureaucracy in Brazil. The purpose of this article is to articulate all these barriers in order to explain how they directly affect investments in the country.

The tax policy of correction industry

Hi, I am looking for some materials of the tax policy of correction industry.It will be very helpful to get your support. My best regards.

Brazilian Saving Products

This guide will provide information about the process and the profitability of saving money in Brazil. Also, you can check how to open a savings account in a Brazilian financial institution, its requirements and guarantees.

Opening a Foreign Branch in Brazil

Some Brazilian branches of foreign companies are so profitable that are even being used as a way to recover their headquarters or other branches with financial issues. In 2011, the remittance of profits abroad amounted USD 38 billion, reveling the potential of the Brazilian market. In this article, we will explain the legal procedures on how to open a branch in Brazil.

How can I calculate if it's better for my company to open a branch in Brazil or just export through a distributor?

I'm having a hard time deciding if I should go through with opening a branch in Brazil or just dealing with distributors. I have seen some of your articles where you describe the processes and costs of opening a company there, but how can I know if it's a good deal for me?

Brazilian Bank/ Branch Code & Account Number Formats

Hi, Do you know the format for Brazilian equivalent of Bank/ Branch codes and also account numbers? Do they have specific portuguese names which might help me to find more information on the internet? Thanks in advance, Adam

Hiring People Without Valid Work Permit in Brazil

Having an authorization issued by the Ministry of Labor is one of the main requirements for foreigners that are coming to work in Brazil. In this article, we will not only discuss the necessity of the work permit for foreigners, but we will also give an overview of the illegal foreign work in Brazil and the its legal consequences for both companies and professionals.

Certificate of Good Conduct in Brazil

A certificate of good conduct is a document informing if the Brazilian citizen has any criminal records. It is issued by Polícia Federal (the Brazilian federal police) at their website or in one of their offices.

Junta Comercial

If you intend to start a business in Brazil, you will have to get familiar with Junta Comercial, an autarchy responsible for registering the commercial companies in the country. In this article, you will get some general information about this institution, knowing its main attributions and operations.

Tax on Foreign Investments in Brazil

In order to maintain the Brazilian economic growth, the national government adopts a welcoming policy towards foreign investments. In this article, we outlined the main procedures and rules regarding foreign investments in the country.

Labor Unions in Brazil

As we have reported in several of our articles, Brazilian workers are granted with several benefits that are unheard of in many foreign countries. Many of these benefits and regulations are the result of agreements between entrepreneurs and labor unions. Learn in this article how the concept of labor unions works in Brazil and what its particularities are.

13 Global brands that are not in Brazil

Being a global brand, successful in many countries sometimes is not enough to make companies bring their business to Brazil. Find out in this article some of the major international brands that are not present in Brazil yet.

Corporate Income Tax

Not only people have to declare their incomes over the year; companies also do. In this article we will give you more information about the Legal Person Income Tax.

Branches of the Police in Brazil

In Brazil, the police are state-run agencies that perform different functions, and therefore, they are subdivided into categories. Here you will find all the Brazilian branches of the police, their differences and their spheres of operation.