How can I get an official response on the status of Certificate of Fiscal Residence for a brazilian company, if I dont have a CPF?
Dear Sirs,
In 2008, a Consortium or Association of companies was formed in Ecuador, to comply with an engineering contract it signed with an entity of the ecuadorian government. Trough it's ecuadorian domiciled subsidiary, a brazilian company is part of this Consortium. This company is INTERTECHMA TECNOLOGIA LIMITADA, with "nome de fantasía" INTER-TECHMA CONTROL SYSTEMS, which has NÚMERO DE INSCRIÇÃO 05.800.144/0001-46, according to "Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica".
The client of the Association, FLOTA PETROLERA ECUATORIANA - EP FLOPEC (Ecuadorian Petroleum Fleet), is now requiring us to obtain certificates or pronouncements regarding INTERTECHMA, from the corresponding official entity (or entities) of the Brazilian government, on the following:
- Status as an active or inactive company, from the Commercial Registry
- Active or Inactive Tax Number from the Brazilian Tax Authority
- Last emitted Certificate of Fiscal Residence
We cannot reach any member, nor any known address of the above mentioned company, to request directly from them to produce such certificates. We then have tried through internet, accessing the web page of the "Ministerio da Fazenda/ Receita Federal do Brasil", but invariably reach a point where a CPF number, or proper registration, is solicited and cannot go further.
For this reason, we kindly request your assistance.
Best regards,
(Quito, Ecuador)