How to find the ICMS rate?


I was looking for the ICMS rate for products that come from outside Brasil. I have the dubt that in your import taxation guide this rate is always 18%.

Did you choose to use the average? If yes, where can I find the right ICMS rate for each product?

I thank you very much.

My best regards.

Veronica Santamaria Palombo CONFINDUSTRIA PADOVA

Veronica Palombo Area Internazionalizzazione

posted 1 decade ago by
Veronica Santamaria Palombo

Veronica Santam

1 Answer

Hi Veronica!

We have based our tax database on the average rates for São Paulo state. Every state has a tax dabatase that ranges from 7% to 25%, depending on the product.

Tell me the state to which you wish to export and I'll let you know where you can find the exact tax rate. Remember, however, that all information will probably be provided in Portuguese.

Best regards,

Andréa Novais

posted 1 decade ago by
Andréa Cristina Novais Silva

Andréa Cristina
Novais Silva

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