Import Tax Rate for payment terminals (counter tops)?
I have looked on the tax rate webpage and couldn't come up with a precise import tax rate for a certain product that I am doing research papaer on.
Could you tell me what is the import tax if any for payment terminals (counter tops) related products from Taiwan to Brazil.
Also what companies in brazil that sell similar items?
YP Chang
posted1 Answer
This is a difficult product to classify as it can either be a separate device, a input device to a computer or a mobile device with wireless capabilities.
NCM 8471.60.59 can be a possibility but if it has wireless capabilities it is most under Chapter 85.
It seems like Chapter 85 in the tax database here at The Brazil Business are missing some NCMs due to lack of accessible data sources. To access this information you will have to use the official Receita Federal do Brasil import simulator in Portuguese.