Tax from gross to net

There are two models of pricing:

  • Net Price Starting Model
    It is based on starting with an exclusive of tax price.

When the net price R$80 is entered the system calculates the gross price R$99,99 and the tax R$19,99. The tax R$19,99 = PIS + COFINS + ISS + ICMS and IPI. The system calculates all these taxes in Brazil automatically.

  • Gross Price Starting Model
    It is based on starting with an inclusive of tax price.Novo wants to enter the gross price R$99,99 and the system should calculate the net price R$80 and the tax 19,99.

The gross price R$99,99 should include all kind of taxes in Brazil PIS, COFINS, ISS, ICMS and IPI. PIS + COFINS + ISS + ICMS and IPI = R$19,99

Can the gross price R$ 99,99 not include all the taxes in Brazil please so that the system split the gross price into net prices and different taxes? I think, it is technically possible but the question is: is it allowed in Brazil?


posted 9 years ago by
Salih Sahin


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