Guide to Business Culture in Brazil

Prostitution in Brazil

Prostitution is the most antique profession in the entire world; it is also a practice of many faces in Brazil. This article gives an overview of the Brazilian prostitution scenario.


Foreign Payments in Brazil

Despite all the different manners of sending money to Brazil, sometimes this is not a really easy process. In this article you will learn some tips for transferring money to the country.


Commercial Relations: Brazil and the Middle East

In recent years, Brazil has developed a policy of rapprochement with countries of the Middle East. Among the topics of interests, economic issues were certainly a priority.





The Brazilian Intelligence Agency

When we talk about intelligence services provided by the state we normally think of the CIA or FBI from United States, but not about Brazil. Brazil also has its own intelligence agency called ABIN. In this article you will find out how this agency was created and its functions in Brazil.


Introduction to ABIMED

Abimed is the Brazilian Association of Industry of High Technology Medical and Hospital Equipments, Products and Suppliers. In this article you will find out more information about Abimed.


How to Negotiate with a Brazilian

Negotiating with a Brazilian is similar to other countries but certainly not a walk in the park. They are diplomatic and sometimes hard to read. Knowledge of Brazilian business culture and negotiation nuances is critical to closing deals.


Introduction to FGTS

In Brazil there is a special fund designated for workers called FGTS. It is a benefit that creats resources for the government and an assistance fund for workers exposure to some specific situations. In this article you will find out what FGTS is, who is benefited by it and how it is funded.


Nutrition Facts Labeling in Brazil

Nutrition fact labels are essential in order to know exactly what ingredients are in each food or beverage. In this article you will learn more about the Brazilian label for these products.


Branches of the Police in Brazil

In Brazil, the police are state-run agencies that perform different functions, and therefore, they are subdivided into categories. Here you will find all the Brazilian branches of the police, their differences and their spheres of operation.


Homeopathy in Brazil

In Brazil, there is widespread use of homeopathy as an alternative medicine. In this article you will learn when the practice started and its current use.
