Guide to Business Culture in Brazil

Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade Industrial

This article will give you an overview of one of the most reliable institutions in Brazil, providing its definition, current status and attributions.


Brazilian Crowdfunding

This article will give you an outlook of the crowdfunding practices in Brazil, that have become an option for small businesses who want to start working on a project, but do not want to deal with banks' high interest rates.


The Rise of Class D

This article will give you a profile of this new Brazilian middle class, mapping their consuming habits and the measures entrepreneurs and the government have adopted to meet their needs.





Domestic Flights in Brazil

This article will give you an overview of the the services provided by the five main airlines companies in Brazil.


Brazilian Businessman - Silvio Santos

This is article will introduce you to Silvio Santos, one of the most successful businessmen in Brazil, focusing on his trajectory, success and role in the Brazilian television.


Consumer Behavior in the Favelas

This article will give you an overview of Brazilian shantytowns, focusing on the consumer habits of its residents.


Inflation in Brazil

This article will give you an overview of how inflation has occurred in different moments of the Brazilian history, its current status and its projections in the new government.


City Tour in Rio de Janeiro for businessmen

This article will introduce you to Rio de Janeiro, the most visited city in Brazil, focusing on its historical importance and its current role in the country.


Protecting Intellectual Property in Brazil

Brazil has shown little interest in protecting intellectual property. This article will give you a better understanding of the current rights for intellectual property in Brazil and what is about to change.


How to sell to the Brazilian Upper class

This article will outline what is needed to successfully sell your product or service to the Brazilian upper class.
