Guide to Business Culture in Brazil

13 Global brands that are not in Brazil

Being a global brand, successful in many countries sometimes is not enough to make companies bring their business to Brazil. Find out in this article some of the major international brands that are not present in Brazil yet.


Incentives for Cash as a Payment method in Brazil

While in the United States people are encouraged to acquire their goods using credit cards, in Brazil there are rewards for paying with cash. Learn in this article why this is such a strong payment method in Brazil and what are its advantages and disadvantages.


Multiple jobs in Brazil

To work in more than one place is an increasingly common practice in Brazil, for several different reasons. In this article you will know why this practice is so common and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the double workshift.





Smear Campaings in Brazil

A smear campaign is an activity that has as the main purpose to present arguments against someone and then diminish the person’s public image. The practice brings to the surface the conflict between truth and lie. It is more than anything an instrument of manipulation and whoever has the strongest proofs (or the most controversial ones), wins the battle.


Changes in the Brazilian Employment Scenario

The optimistic economic scenario in Brazil has promoted a certain career advancement. One of the direct results of this change is the professional shortage for operational and domestic jobs, what leads to salary inflation and import of workforce.


Xenophobia in Brazil

Racism is a crime in Brazil and even though we Brazilians like to claim that our country celebrates cultural diversity, we would be naive if we said that there is no racism here. Xenophobia is one of the shapes this racism adopts and the “harm” it causes to the population varies according to where the foreigner comes from.


Introduction to Crediário

The ever-growing consumption level of the new Brazilian middle class has led retailers and credit card companies to offer “easy credit” and payment options configured by installments that can last for years. Learn in this article what are the particularities of this payment option and how it affects the Brazilian economy.


Salary Negotiation in Brazil

Salaries in Brazil vary greatly from one region to others. In this article, we will discuss the indicators that influence the value of wages in the country and how negotiations are taken regarding this subject.


All About Protocolo

The term “protocol” is familiar to most people and its derived meanings are not so different from each other. In Brazil the word “protocolo” has several different meanings. Learn in this article what they are.


Labor Unions in Brazil

As we have reported in several of our articles, Brazilian workers are granted with several benefits that are unheard of in many foreign countries. Many of these benefits and regulations are the result of agreements between entrepreneurs and labor unions. Learn in this article how the concept of labor unions works in Brazil and what its particularities are.
