Edvaldo Acir

Edvaldo Acir


Advertising in Brazil: A New Scenario

Edvaldo Acir

Edvaldo Acir


As internet penetration levels increase in Brazil, significant changes in advertisement have been observed. Traditional media has been losing spot to a more interactive environment, changing the advertisement industry in Brazil.


We live in the era of personalized communication. The TV, Magazines, Newspapers, radio, movies, everything is rapidly changing, merging and creating new possibilities of interaction and distribution of advertising content.

Beth Saad, a researcher from one of the most important South American university, USP, tell us that the digital universe is typically mutating. It adapts to changes in technology, economic conditions, social and cultural changes to users' needs. Thus, the strategies of action in this universe should reflect these changes, under the penalty is foreclosing soon after its inception.

How is it happening?

One of the most interesting movements in the new landscape of media convergence and its impact on media advertising is the growth of online video consumption in Brazil and, consequently, increased investment in the pre-roll video ad, that is, before you start the video content. A survey conducted by the companies Havas Digital, and Globosat QualiBest with nearly 1,300 Internet users in Brazil, presented in the Digital Age 2.0 in August 2010 revealed that Internet users in Brazil is a major consumer of online videos and the rejection of this type of advertising content is low.

Advertising AdNetworks can get good results from this movement. With its ability to reach a large audience within the target of the campaign and effectively using tools that analyze the behavior of the target, the content available by category, region, habits of the Internet and other important information online ad networks are attracting more investment and attention of marketers in the last few years and thus gaining space in the planning of advertising dollars.

With these two forces, we would have an interesting move for the advertisers that run campaigns on broadcast or subscription TV to migrate a part of your investment for a AdNetwork that can effectively deliver your video in pre-roll (before the beginning of the video online) in qualified channels of content within the right audience for your product and brand. Some of the good in this format Video AdNetwork are that it makes buying video ads simple, efficient and effective. An unified and open platform allows you to run and optimize campaigns easily on any device that carries video pre-roll in a rich ecosystem of partners and opportunities. Also being a single point of control that allows the advertiser to schedule a campaign video and have access to report on the campaigns in all their sources of inventory and connect them to various sites qualified for the campaign to have high visibility within the target and an excellent performance to help you get the most for your money, the famous ROI (Return on Investment).

In Brazil Eztarget is the first company that launched a Video AdNetwork. Another company that has this product in its portfolio is a Brazilian online video platform called Sambatech. They have 10 million impressions per month in video pre-roll divided in content categories such as Sports, News, Entertainment and Health. According Renato Guerra, Sambatech Business Development Manager, the online video advertising is the fastest growing between the investments in digital media.


A key decision factor for agencies to invest in Video Ad Networks is targeting. According to a study of the Digiday and Adapt.tv in 2010, the most important factor in purchasing decisions is the video ad targeting ability (45% representation), then measured (33%) and range (25,7%). Within these first two criteria targeting and measurability are the challenges of today's Video AdNetworks to develop tools that allow a more assertive targeting and also develop a network of Video

Publishers can deliver the results expected by advertisers. This scenario shows us a new universe of possibilities for digital advertising and all the players in this market in a universe increasingly convergent and compelling.

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