Rebeca Duran

Rebeca Duran

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


Work Authorization for Foreigners in Brazil

Rebeca Duran

Rebeca Duran

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


To hire a foreigner in Brazil, the company or private person must apply for the work authorization for foreigners in a special organization of the Ministry of Work and Employment. This article informs how the authorization can be acquired and which documents are requested during this process.

The legal entity interested in hiring a foreigner worker – in temporarily or permanently– must request a work authorization from the CGIg. CGIg is the Coordenação-Geral de Imigração do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, which is the Ministry of Work and Employment organization responsible for foreigners work permits.

To facilitate this process, the Coordenação Geral de Imigração launched two online tools that can be utilized to require a work authorization for foreigners: CERTE and MIGRANTEWEB.


CERTE is the Cadastro Eletrônico de Entidades Requerentes de Autorização para Trabalho a Estrangeiros, which is an electronic register for companies or private persons interested in acquiring a work authorization for foreigners. CERTE is a system of document scanning, whereby companies with an increased demand for work permits to foreigners can register for free.

The registry concentrates the most important documents requested for authorization process. Documents are scanned and filed and also incorporated into the database of CGIg. The participants of CERTE are exempted from presenting to CGIg the documents and also the applications for work permits for foreigners listed in CERTE.

See how to apply for CERTE.


MIGRANTEWEB is the Novo Sistema de Gestão e Controle de Imigração, which is a system for monitoring and controling activities related to immigration. The system presents an important tool to speed up the appliance for authorization: the previous registry, made by internet.

By the previous registry the company can file all necessary data information requested to apply for authorization. After the application is registered, the company or private person will receive a previous registry number that must be informed together with the documentation that should be delivered to CGIg.

See how to register in MIGRANTEWEB.

Necessary Documentation

The company and private person must request the authorization from the General Coordination of Immigration of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, by filing the application form of Work Authorization.

The form must be signed and sent by his legal representative, or attorney, accompanied by the following documents (documents produced abroad must be translated):

Employer's Documentation

  • articles of association of the company or identity card of the private person
  • document that proves the election of the legal representative
  • copy of CNPJ or CPF
  • power of attorney if the application was signed by the attorney
  • original proof of payment of immigration tax – the tax value is 16.93 BRL
  • other documents required by the National Council of Immigration

Employee's Documentation

  • copy of the passport page that contain number, name, date of birth, nationality and photo of the foreigner worker
  • other documents required by the National Council of Immigration
  • other documentation
  • work agreement with specific period or undetermined period as the models below:
  1. Model I – specified period
  2. Model II – undetermined period

After the application processfor the authorization is done, the CGIg has a period of 30 days to provide or decline the work authorization for foreigners. If the authorization was conceded the company or private person can search for it in the Official Journal of the Union – where the authorization will be published.