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7.6% unemployment rate in September

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According to the Brazilian Statistic Institute (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística) was there 1.8 Million Brazilian without a registered job in September 2008, this is equal to 7.6% of the workforce.

This is 13.2% lower then September 2007.

Among the unemployed group the data show that:

  • 19.0% were searching for their first job
  • 25.8% were the main responsible in the family

In relation to the time of job search:

  • 23.9% were searching a job for a period below 30 days
  • 49.1%, for a period from 31 days to 6 months
  • 10.9%, for a period from 7 to 11 months
  • 16.2%, for a period of at least 1 year

The data are estimated based on a Monthly Employment Survey in six areas of Brazil. This is a different approach then what you will find in many other countries were the data are based on numbers from central employment registers.