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Zeebo: Video game for emerging countries

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Tectoy’s announced the Zeebo, a 3G network-based gaming console that will supposedly be launched in Brazil in July 2009. Zeebo is not meant to directly compete with platforms like the Wii, Xbox 360 or Playstation 3. Instead, the system will be aimed at “emerging” gaming markets, including those which could not normally afford expensive hardware and games according to

Tectoy is a relatively unknown company in the international gaming market, but in Brazil they are well known. Not as a console producer, but their close relationship with Sega gave them a 80% market share of the video game market in Brazil during the 1990s.

Zeebo is produced in partnership with Qualcomm. It will be first released in Brazil, and after that, it will be licensed for other countries. Zeebo was designed aiming at developing emerging countries such as Brazil, Russia, China and India.

Zeebo is the very first Brazilian-designed console.