introduction to anvisa


There are 215 results for "introduction to anvisa" on The Brazil Business.


Introduction to CSLL

In Brazil, foreign entrepreneurs can catch themselves lost in the middle of many federal taxes, each one with a different acronym. PIS, COFINS, IPI, IRPJ are on the list, together with the CSLL, which we will clarify in this article.

Some Thoughts on the ISS: the Brazilian Services Tax

Understanding the Brazilian legislation is already complicated by default, but when it comes to ISS, a municipal tax related to the act of providing services in Brazil, things can get even more complicated.

Introduction to Detran

This article will introduce you to the state institution responsible for ground vehicles supervision in Brazil. You will also know what it takes to drive legally in the country and in what cases you might need to consult Detran.

Brazil Under Construction

Preparation for the World Cup and the Olympics have brought infrastructure problems to the surface in Brazil, rushing the country to be able to support the economic growth it has been experiencing.

Mark Taylor

Mark is a results-oriented executive with 35 year history as an accomplished CEO and corporate manager and also a retired CEO that founded several companies.

Restrictions to Ground Transportation in Brazilian Cities

Changes in the Brazilian logistic system has created restricted areas and several prohibitions that are affecting companies, industries, and consumers.

Cargo Transportation Costs in Brazil

Cargo transportation in Brazil is not cheap. Despite the existence of many navigable rivers and a large space to construct, or improve the railway network, the country still insists on working with a very expensive logistic system.

Importing software into Brazil

International companies are aware that Brazil has a huge IT market to be explored, but the current Taxation and Customs Law lack updates regarding software sales. Understand the contradictions about imports in this area.

The Diversity of Brazilian Consumers – From Illiteracy to Private Jets

Brazil has become a profitable market for all sorts of investments. The diversity of its socioeconomic profile generates opportunities for a wide range of business initiatives.

Introduction to the Security Industry in Brazil

Brazil's already well-developed security market is experiencing double digit growth driven by stable economic growth and great events to come as World Cup in 2014 and Olympic Games in 2016. This article will give you an overview of the Brazilian security industry and its promises for the future.

Options for foreign investment in Brazil

It is no news that Brazil has been calling the attention of foreign investors for the last years, so we wrote a dedicated article on how foreigners can invest and what are the main required procedures.

Introduction to Radar

Foreign operations in Brazil count with a system that integrates registration, control and follow-up of all imports and exports in the country. Know how to regularize your external commerce in Brazil by getting a Radar license.

Brazil and International Tax Treaties

Worldwide agreements regarding tax policies are crucial for a good business flow among countries. In this matter, Brazil seeks to expand its Double Tax Treaties as a way to avoid double taxation.

Lottery in Brazil

Because in 2011 Brazilians reached new records on betting in the lottery, in 2012, the government stimulates the practice through incentives, as allowing people to bet online, for example. Find in this article why lottery in Brazil is so popular and if a foreign can participate.

I am arrested in Brazil, now what?

Assuming foreigners may not know that some actions in Brazil are illegal, here we are to avoid them from saying: “But I didn’t know!!”