porto alegre


There are 66 results for "porto alegre" on The Brazil Business.


Metro Commuting in Brazil

Riding the metro in Brazil is quite a cultural experience for foreigners coming to the country. In this article we will explain why you shouldn't be annoyed by the usual Brazilian costumes on the metro.

20 Foreign Brands Coming to Brazil - Part 2

The Brazilian consumer market is growing, and, with the purchasing power of the middle class, the country became a good target for foreign investors that are seeing huge possibilities in Brazil for their business expansions.

Introduction to Conar

Conar is a Brazilian non-governmental organization that self-regulates the advertising sector in the country. Find out how this institution was created and what is its functions in the country.

4 Largest Gym Chains in Brazil

As years go by, the gym sector gains more and more importance in the Brazilian market. Everyday, big companies try to increase their share of the market. This article presents the biggest gym chains in Brazil.

Understand the Brazilian Inflation Index

It’s not news that inflation was a problem during the last years of the Brazilian Dictatorship, in the decades of 1980 and 1990. But, it's not only during this period that Brazil confronted inflation. For many years, the country has been a victim of it and, for that reason, in 1939, the Brazilian inflation index started to be calculated.

36 Largest Soccer Teams in Brazil

It is impossible to think of Brazil and not relate it to one of the country's largest passions: soccer. Holder of five FIFA World Cup trophies and the land of countless great players, Brazil has held its fame throughout the years, and in 2014 will be the host of a World Cup for the second time. Learn in this article about the 36 largest soccer teams of the Brazil.

Business Tourism Market in Brazil

Brazil is the target for many foreigners on vacation, for all the well-known reasons. But beaches and nice weather are also responsible for another type of tourism: the business one. This article will cover the growth of this market.

Kosher Food Market In Brazil

Kosher is the description given to food that receives special treatment, in order to comply with the Jewish religion and its rules on food. They follow the Jewish laws of kashrut, which specify, for all stages of the process, how Jewish food is to be prepared. In this article, we will look at the Kosher food market in Brazil.

Foreign Children Relocating to Brazil - Education

Selecting a new school for children might be difficult, since there are many factors to consider. This article will look at some of them and will provide some tips on relocating children to Brazilian schools.

10 Largest Music Venues In Brazil

It was only in 1985 during the first Rock in Rio festival that Brazil started being considered as an imperative stop for all famous bands touring internationally. In this article, we will take a look at the 10 largest music venues in Brazil.

Bus Traveling In Brazilian Cities

As the subway network in Brazil is not yet fully developed, even in major cities, travelling by bus is the main option people have to reach other places inside the city or in neighbouring cities. In this article, we will take a look at the particularities of travelling by in Brazil.

Top 10 Printed Newspaper in Brazil

Brazilian printed newspapers have always had a big role in the country. Nowadays their popularity is dropping, but there are still many copies in circulation, keeping the old tradition of printed paper alive.

Brazilian Capitals with Best Internet Connection

The Brazilian government and private initiatives have recently made substantial investments in the expansion of Brazil’s internet infrastructure. In this article you are going to discover the Brazilian locations with best internet connections.

Costs of Owning a Car in Brazil

Cars in Brazil have one of the highest tax burdens in the world and the cost of having a car is equally as high. In this article we will have a look at some of the costs related to keeping a car in Brazil.

How to participate in the Brazilian Carnival

Carnival is still one of the first words that pops-up in foreigners’ minds whenever they are asked about Brazil. Learn in this article what exactly is celebrated in Carnival, how to participate and other aspects of this party that has become so typically Brazilian.