Ana Gabriela Verotti Farah

Ana Gabriela Verotti Farah

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


Foreign Work Authorization Tax

Ana Gabriela Verotti Farah

Ana Gabriela Verotti Farah

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


In Portuguese Foreign Work Authorization Tax is named Taxa de Autorização do Trabalho Estrangeiro.

For a foreigner to work in Brazil, a Brazilian legal entity has to present the sponsorship to the Ministry of Labor. The sponsorship authorization allows the foreigner to apply for the temporary visa in their home country. Brazilians are prioritized when hiring employees, and foreigners can only work in companies where Brazilian citizens represent two-thirds of the staff.

It is also necessary to pay the Foreign Work Authorization Tax, and it must be made using GRU, the Guia de Recolhimento da União, which is the obligatory document for the payment of taxes, fines, and fees related to the inspection of controlled products in Portuguese called the ****. The tax cost is BRL16,93 per foreigner.