Rebeca Duran

Rebeca Duran

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


Fund for Telecommunication Monitoring

Rebeca Duran

Rebeca Duran

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


In Portuguese Fund for Telecommunication Monitoring is named Fundo de Fiscalização das Telecomunicações and often referred to by the abbreviation FISTEL.

The Fund for Telecommunication Monitoring, known as FISTEL is a Brazilian fund related to communication services. FISTEL aims to provide resources to cover government expenses in the execution of telecommunication service monitoring, the development of these services and their improvement.

FISTEL is a fund financed by the Taxas de Fiscalização (Monitoring Taxes). It is related to communication services, and is composed of:

Taxa de Fiscalização de Instalação

Also known as Monitoring Tax of Installation (TFI), it is payable by authorized concessionaires that develop telecommunication services and services relating to the usage of radio frequency. The tax must be paid when the license to function is granted to the company. The value of this tax varies greatly depending on the company, they are comprised in the tableof the Law No. 9691 OF 22 JULY 1998.

Taxa de Fiscalização de Funcionamento

This is the Monitoring Tax of Functioning (TFF) applicable to the same taxpayers of TFI and must be paid annually by March 31st of each year. The tax rate is equivalent to 33% of the value paid to TFI.