Ana Gabriela Verotti Farah

Ana Gabriela Verotti Farah

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


  • Egil Fujikawa Nes

Waste Collection Fee

Ana Gabriela Verotti Farah

Ana Gabriela Verotti Farah

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


  • Egil Fujikawa Nes

In Portuguese Waste Collection Fee is named Taxa de Coleta de Lixo.

It is obtained by the municipalities for the use of public services such as collection, removal and treatment, or garbage and waste disposal originating from real estate and disposed by both citizens and companies.

Both the rate and the payment structure of the Waste Collection Fee varies between the municipalities. The fee is determined by the municipality where the real estate is located. In some municipalities, the payment is a one-time annual fee while in other municipalities the fee is paid in installments along with IPTU.

The rate usually depends on the size of the real estate and the frequency of waste collection. It's also common to charge different rates for residential and commercial real estate. The annual rate for waste collection ranges from BRL 12.88 to BRL 1288.07 and it is mandatory to pay for all real estate owners that have access to waste collection or waste treatment services.