Renata Garcia

Renata Garcia

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


Import of Donations to Brazil

Renata Garcia

Renata Garcia

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


In this article you will learn about the process of importing donated goods to Brazil. This is a category of import that has specific procedures and certain restrictions.

Import License

The import of donations to Brazil does not need an import license from the Department of Foreign Trade Operations, known as Decex, except for used goods. However, depending on the classification of the goods in NCM, short for Nomenclatura Comum do Mercosul, imports will be subjected to the control of other agencies. In this case, the application for an import license must be registered by the importer with SISCOMEX.

To establish the import administrative process for particular types of goods and what they may be subjected to, the importer can access this web page from the Federal Revenue.

Customs Clearance of Donated Goods

Customs clearance of donated goods must be made through the import declaration registration with Siscomex.

The Simplified Import Declaration can be used for customs clearance of donations received by any entity that is part of the direct public administration or by a social assistance institution.

The applicant must submit to customs authorities a document certifying the compatibility of nature, quality and quantity of the goods to the final purposes of the importer. This document can be issued by three agencies depending on the type of the donation. If the goods are for medical and hospital supplies, the document must be issued by the Ministry of Health. If the import is carried out by an educational institution it will be issued by the Ministry of Education. Lastly, if the import is carried out by a social assistance institution it will be issued by the Ministry of Social Security.

The importer must also submit to Decex documentation required by the department. The issuance of the import license depends on the submission of those documents and compliance with legal requirements.

The necessary documentation and the import procedures varies according to the type of donation. For example, the import of medicine needs ANVISA approval.

The individual or entity responsible for the import of donations made by charities must submit the following documents required for all types of donated goods:

  • Notarized copies of the Registration and Charitable Entity Certificate of Social Assistance of the importer, issued by the National Council of Social Assistance
  • Donation letter with a stamp by the Brazilian consulate of the country of origin
  • Articles of Association including all updates
  • A notarized power of attorney from the importer to the customs broker, who will request the import license
  • Entity's statement on the charitable activity in which it engaged and the number of people attended

The imported products must be intended only for use of registered beneficiaries, commercialization, including charity bazaars are prohibited.

Import of Donated Used Goods

To import donated used goods it is necessary to request the non-automatic import license and your request must be registered with Siscomex.

The importation of used consumer goods is prohibited except for donations without foreign exchange cover. These donations must be made directly with the Federal Government, entities of indirect public administration or institutions which are recognized as charitable and nonprofit. The goods must be destined to their own use and without commercial purposes.

All information about the import of used goods can be found in this article.