Patrick Bruha

Patrick Bruha

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


Prohibited Imports To Brazil

Patrick Bruha

Patrick Bruha

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


Whether it is due to strategic economic measures, to cultural beliefs or to health concerns countries may totally forbid the import of specific goods. In this article, we will look at which goods are prohibited to be imported to Brazil.

Involved Entities

In Brazil, there is a list of several government entities that have a say in the import process, depending on which goods are being imported. It is also these entities that may entirely forbid the import of goods.

The consenting agencies responsible for the authorization process of imports of controlled goods are:

  • ANCINE - National Agency of Cinema - consenting to the import of cinematographic films
  • ANEEL - National Agency of Electricity - consenting to the import of electricity
  • ANP - National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels - consenting to the import of petroleum and its derivatives, as well as natural gas and biofuels
  • ANVISA - National Health Surveillance Agency - consenting to the import of medication, food, cosmetics, sanitary products, health products, health equipment, human organs, cigarettes and other smoking products
  • CNEN - National Commission of Nuclear Energy - consenting to the import of radioactive materials and equipment
  • CNPq - National Council of Scientific and Technological Development - consenting to the import of goods for scientific and technological research
  • DECEX - Department of Foreign Trade Operations - consenting to the import of products subject to trade protection, tariff quotas, drawback operations, goods subject to compulsory certification by INMETRO and goods subject to the supervision of price, weight, measure, classification, quality and type
  • DNPM - National Department of Mineral Production - consenting to the import of asbestos and diamonds
  • DPF - Department of Federal Police - consenting to the import of chemical products that may be used for the illicit production of drugs, narcotics or that may render its user physically or psychologically dependant
  • EBCT - Brazilian Mail and Telegraph Company - consenting to the import of franking machines and machines for the sale of postage stamps
  • Brazilian army - consenting to the import of firearms, ammunitions, explosives and other war materials
  • IBAMA - Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources - consenting to the import of live animals - except for domestic ones - derivatives of wild animals, certain types of wood, residue and waste, certain chemicals, tires and certain vehicles and materials that may cause harm to the ozone layer
  • INMETRO - National Institute of Metrology Standardization and Industrial Quality - consenting to the import of goods subject to products that use gas and subject to energy efficiency labelling
  • MAPA - Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply - consenting to the import of animals and by products, vegetables and by products, pesticides, wines, drinks and other agricultural inputs
  • MCT - Ministry of Science and Technology - consenting to the import of sensitive goods such as materials that can be used in the making of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and missiles
  • SUFRAMA - Manaus Free Trade Zone Superintendence - consenting to the import of goods subject to the tax benefits of the Manaus Free Trade Zone

Prohibited Imports

The following products are prohibited to be imported to Brazil:

  • Narcotics and illegal drugs, as in every substances, natural or not, which when ingested cause physical and psychological changes
  • Cigarettes or alcoholic beverages produced by Brazilian companies, but destined only for foreign markets
  • Counterfeit money and goods, as counterfeit goods are considered a violation of international intellectual property regulations
  • Hazardous waste and other such materials, as per the Basel Convention, whose characteristics may cause damage to the environment, as well as public, animal and plant health
  • Pornographic materials
  • Rough diamonds from countries that do not participate in the Kimberley Process
  • Used goods, except when there is no equivalent goods produced in Brazil or when these goods are donated directly to any Brazilian public or charitable entity, for their own use and to meet its institutional purposes, without commercial means
  • Goods, and their packages, destined to children and youth that replicate the shape of cigarettes or other similar tobacco products

Furthermore, all products that present irregular documentation or that were imported without legal authorization from the consenting agencies are prohibited to enter Brazil.

Despite these formal prohibitions, due to specific reasons, the import of these products can be authorized by the consenting agency responsible for regulating it.

Applicable Penalties

In case a prohibited import lands in Brazil, two penalties may apply:

  • The goods are returned to their origin or destroyed in Brazil, as explained in this article
  • The goods will be confiscated by the Brazilian customs, as mentioned in this article

It is important to state that, in cases where the Confiscation Penalty is applied, it will be converted into a fine equal to the customs value of the goods that receive the Confiscation Penalty, in cases where these goods can not be found or have already been consumed.