Patrick Bruha

Patrick Bruha

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


The Brazilian Council of Administration

Patrick Bruha

Patrick Bruha

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


Many professions in Brazil are regulated or fiscalized by councils. This article will cover the main responsibilities of the Brazilian Federal Council of Administration.


The Conselho Federal de Administração, which is Portuguese for Federal Council of Administration, is an institution that regulates the profession of administrators and technologists in Brazil. The Federal Council of Administration was created on June 20 1966 by Ibany da Cunha Ribeiro, who was then elected as its first president.

As with all Brazilian professional councils, it is their responsibility to certificate that a certain individual is able to exercise the profession they are responsible for. It is also the council's responsibility to make sure that unauthorized people don’t do so. Councils also have a code of conduct and ethics parameters that must be followed.

As of October 2014, there were more than 357.000 individuals and more than 38.000 legal entities registered with all Brazilian Councils of Administration, with the most relevant states being Rio de Janeiro - nearly 47.000 individuals and more than 5.000 legal entities - and São Paulo - with more than 63.000 individuals and nearly 8.000 legal entities.


The Brazilian Council of Administration is a regulatory, advisory, guiding and disciplining public autarchy which is headquartered at Brasília. Besides from its headquarters, there are other 27 Conselhos Regionais de Administração, which is Portuguese for Regional Councils of Administrations, one for each state in Brazil. The Federal Council of Administration in Brasília is responsible for controlling and supervising all financial and administrative activities of the System of Councils of Administration, which comprises all 27 Regional Councils of Administration.

The highest level of the System of Councils of Administration is the Plenary of the Federal Council of Administration. It is composed of 27 effective Federal Counselors and their respective alternates, with a four year mandate. All Counselors and their alternates are elected by all associates, each representing their Regional Council of Administration. Helping the Plenary in the decision making process is the Assembly of Presidents. A purely consultative organ, the Assembly is composed of all presidents of the 27 Regional Councils of Administration.

Apart from these, the System of Councils of Administration is divided into seven different Boards:

  • Board of Administration and Finances
  • Board of Supervision and Registration
  • Board of Professional Training
  • Board of Institutional Development
  • Board of Events and International Relations
  • Board of Studies and Strategic Projects
  • Board of Public Management

Main functions

The main functions of the Federal Council of Administration are:

  • To advocate an adequate comprehension of administrative problems and their rational solution
  • To orient and discipline the exercise of the profession by administrators and technologists
  • To clarify doubts raised in the Regional Councils of Administration
  • To judge, as a last instance court, all penalties imposed by the Regional Councils of Administration
  • To vote and promote changes to the Code of Professional Ethics of Administrators
  • Ensure that the Code of Professional Ethics of Administrators is followed
  • Encourage the realization of studies and campaigns for the sake of administrative rationalization in Brazil

Each Regional Council of Administration also has its own objectives:

  • To implement the guidelines formulated by the Federal Council of Administration
  • Supervise, in their respective state, the exercise of the professions of administrator and technologist
  • Organize and keep up to date the registry of administrators and technologists
  • Judge the violations and impose penalties to administrators and technologists
  • Issue the Carteiras Profissionais dos Administradores, which is Portuguese for Administrators Registration Card
  • Draw up its rules of procedure for examination and approval by the Federal Council of Administration

Participation of foreigners

The Brazilian Councils of Administration allow foreigners to be registered. The main conditions for this are the revalidation of a foreign diploma and a proficiency test in the Portuguese language.