Registering a trademark is one of the big steps when forming a company. Just like getting a patent, it has some rules and other information that are necessary in order to complete the process.
Brazil is ranked fifth globally among those countries that have a formal system for hiring temporary workers. The retail sector has the most temporary workers due to special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, and Mother’s Day. Learn in this article what regulations govern temporary work generally, and the advantages and disadvantages for both companies and for the workers.
Fiador, Seguro fiança and caução are the most common arrangements lessors use to guarantee the payment of rents in Brazil. In this article, we will provide a more detailed approach of each of them.
It's a fine line between self-employed services and the work with employment ties. Businesspeople must know very well how the law applies in each case to avoid labor risks and court acts.
PEFIN is a database managed by Serasa-Experian that centralizes credit information of individuals and corporations. In this article, we will explain how this system works and give an overview of the credit information market in Brazil.
The use and the access to firearms in Brazil has always been a controversial subject with the population claiming that the public initiatives to control the use of guns in Brazil are inefficient and instead of protecting civilians, they would rather put them in a vulnerable situation.
Brazilian Justice System has a big number of courts from different levels of domain and jurisdiction. In this article we will give a brief explanation on each one of them.
The use of cease-and-desist letters is a common practice in many English speaking countries, especially those that adopt common law.
Even though there isn't a clear definition for a freelancer in the Brazilian labor laws, it is possible for an independent professional to work legally in the country, what we will discuss in this article.
The Brazilian website of Nota Fiscal was among those that have crashed due to activities of Anonymous. In this article we will explain about the security breach that happened.