As a foreigner newly moving to Brazil can i bring my private car for private use and being exempted from taxes?
Am setting up a new businss in brazil and i am moving there in october and wish to bring/import my car (private).
Is there a law that allows foreigner setting up a foreign company which am a share holder... to import a foreign car (say 1 or 2 cars per company... and being exempted from duty or at least not be subject to 90/120 of the value of the car?
posted2 Answers
Hello Pierre Haddad,
Mr. William Turnbull above is correct. But there is one alternative: the temporary import.
You may see more information at this website: (in Portuguese).
postedI believe that only 0km (new) cars and cars older than 30years (collectors/classic) can be imported into Brazil. The big tax comes when you want to register the car for use on public roads and this is not defined as a percentage of the value of the car, as such.
There is a table with pre-defined import fees/values for each model of car.