Exporting dairy products from Belgium to Brazil

Olympia is a dairy industry in Belgium, specialised in UHT cream and other products.

We noticed a existing demand on the Brazil market, for some of our products, but we have never exported to Brazil.

We would like to know what we have to do from Belgium, to be able to export to for example Sao Paulo.

How do we demand a product registration ?

How can we obtain a specific agreement from Brazil authorities to export our products to your country?

posted 1 decade ago by
Luc Van Impe

Van Impe

1 Answer


There is an export certification issued by Anvisa, which is the organization in charge of the exports of food to Brazil. You can get in touch with them over the phone (0800 642 9782) or visit their website here

Best regards, Andréa Novais

posted 1 decade ago by
Andréa Cristina Novais Silva

Andréa Cristina
Novais Silva

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