How many independent coffee shops and how many coffee chain stores are there in Brazil?

Could you please tell me the data from 2000 up to 2013, because I'm doing an analysis of the coffee market in Brazil.

posted 6 years ago by
Otello Carrara


2 Answers

You may find more information for your research at these websites:

posted 5 years ago by
Pedro Andrade


I imagine it is a difficult to accurately account for the independent coffee shops in Brazil. Just about every boteco (little bar) and restaurant sells coffee as well as people on the street and even vending machines in offices and universities. There could be tens of thousands....

There are a good amount of chains such as Starbucks, Café Pilão, and more. Here is a good but incomplete list of some franchises in Brazil.

posted 6 years ago by
Brendan Anson


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