How to calculate the tax structure of importing a passenger vehicle?

I would like to understand how to calculate vehicle import tax, and the formula behind.

Thank you!

posted 9 years ago by
Ginnie Yun


2 Answers


The import duties calculation is not so easy. All duties are pay one on the others (cascating taxation).

The severals duties to pay on importing are:

  • II
  • IPI
  • PIS
  • ICMS

Depending on his fiscal regime, the importer will be able to earn some credit of IPI, PIS , COFINS and ICMS (Lucro Real) and only IPI, ICMS (Lucro Presumido).

Moreover some extra taxes as Mercant Marine (AFRRM) are billed by the port when importing on maritim modality.

Know that if importer is a physical person he can get some exemptions of IPI and ICMS.

If you want to know some more information we have on our website a free White Book explaining all import procedures and calculation:

Cyprien Hoffet

posted 8 years ago by
Cyprien Hoffet


Hello Ginnie Yun,

Cyprien Hoffet answer above is correct. The imports due to on importing a car are:

  • II
  • IPI
  • ICMS

You should also notice that to import a car in Brazil you must also obtain:

  1. Siscomex registration
  2. License for the Use of Motor Vehicle Configuration (LCVM) before IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources)
  3. Certificate of Compliance with National TrafficLegislation (CAT) before DENATRAN (National Traffic Department)
  4. Import License (LI)

The taxes must be paid at the time of the customs clearance of the goods.

According to my experience, the taxes on car imports are around the same value of the good. But you have to calculate each tax to be sure.

posted 8 years ago by
Pedro Andrade


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