Is it possible to obtain a Brazil work visa as foreigner doing business with Argentina institution?


I am Australian and in the process of providing educational/training service to Latin America, via an Argentinian institution. They will organise the administrative and legal documents required to do this.

My question is, through this business relationship with Argentina, could I obtain a work visa (to base myself/live in Brazil) for Brazil?

Or, does it stand that a Brazialian company must hire me or be my employer for me to work/live in Brazil? Can it be done via Argentinan business relationship?

Thank you kindly.

This information will assist me to negotiate and plan ahead on the best possible solution.

posted 8 years ago by
Jenny Petridis


1 Answer

Hello Jenny Petridis,

Mercosur has two main agreements regarding visas: the Agreement for the Mercosur Visa (CMC Decision No. 16/03) and the Mechanism for Temporary Professional Services (CMC Decision No. 25/03). But to be entitled to this benefit the professional must either be a national of the Mercosur countries or be a duly registered professional in the Mercosur countries.

Do you have a permanent visa or residency in Argentina?

Kindest Regards,


Pedro Andrade -Lawyer at Manucci Law Firm

Tel.:+55 31 2552-2009 | +55 31 8513-4650 | Skype: pedroandradeint

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posted 8 years ago by
Pedro Andrade


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