What are the options foreign investors have to send funds to Brazil?

What are the options foreign investors have to send funds to Brazil to acquire assets and\or start a business?

Also, what taxes (i.e. Income Tax) should be paid once the funds are in Brazil?
We can use as an example the acquisition of a small building for $500k USD.

Thank You!

posted 1 decade ago by
Chris Triburn


1 Answer


Investments in Brazil can be direct or indirect. The first modality demands the creation of a new corporate entity or the acquisition of an equity participation in Brazilian companies already existing. This equity participation includes investments by conversion of foreign credit, investment by importation of goods without exchange cover and investments of cash.

Indirect investments are made by investing in the financial and securities markets where there is no requirement to create or acquire participation in a Brazilian company.

As for your other questions, we have written two articles that may help you understanding how to start a business in Brazil and how much it costs. You can read them by clicking here and here.

I hope it helps you out.

Best regards,

Andréa Novais

posted 1 decade ago by
Andréa Cristina Novais Silva

Andréa Cristina
Novais Silva

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