What is the Simplified Tax Regime?

If I send goods purchased from a UK website to Brazil via mail/courier will simplified regime of 60% apply?

Does the 60% apply to the total cost of goods+shipping+insurance?

Do I need to pay 18% ICMS on top of that? If so is that 18% of the cost of the goods or good+shipping+insurance?

posted 1 decade ago by
S Spurlock


1 Answer


Correios charges 60% for the Import Duty, the local ICMS (that varies from state to state) and a custom clearance fee of BRL 150,00 for goods ranging from US$ 500,00 to US$3.000,00. Exemptions apply to imports up to US$ 50,00, books and medication with medical prescription.

Best regards, Andréa Novais

posted 1 decade ago by
Andréa Cristina Novais Silva

Andréa Cristina
Novais Silva

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