Why must I be robbed every time I receive a package from abroad?

Every time someone sends something from abroad to Brazil, there is a heavy tax that must be paid in order to retrieve it from the postal service. All of my friends have stories of family members sending them items, only to have them stolen by the Brazilian postal service because they wouldn't pay an outrageous tax. I personally had to pay R$32 to retrieve my credit card from the postal service. How is that for stupid? I want to spend money in this country, yet I'm being taxed and effectively being told that I might as well buy elsewhere.

posted 1 decade ago by
John Wilkes


1 Answer


As far as I remember, Correios charges 60% for the Import Duty, the local ICMS (that varies from state to state) and a custom clearance fee of BRL 150,00 for goods ranging from US$ 500,00 to US$3.000,00. Exemptions apply to imports up to US$ 50,00, books and medication with medical prescription.

As for your credit card, I honestly don't know what kind of tax applies to it (or if there is one to begin with).

Best regards, Andréa Novais

posted 1 decade ago by
Andréa Cristina Novais Silva

Andréa Cristina
Novais Silva

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