educational system


There are 459 results for "educational system" on The Brazil Business.


The difference between being poor and living poorly

Living as a regular middle class citizen in Brazil is so expensive that sometimes it is better to live among the poorest ones. This may sound nonsense to the ears of foreigners who are not familiar with the Brazilian popular culture, but there are some reasonable explanations for it.

Finding business in Brazilian universities

The large number of people who needs a vacancy in a University or Technological Colleges makes the country an easy target to investors willing to make business in the educational area.

Brazilian Society and Culture

At The Brazil Business we have written several articles about particular aspects of the Brazilian culture and society, however, we have never explained what exactly is in the core of the Brazilian behavior. Learn in this article what exactly leads Brazilians to behave the way they do.

Functional Illiteracy: a Problem for Brazilian Businesses

Even though 90% of the Brazilian children are going to school and more than 50% of the Brazilian teenagers finish high school, functional illiteracy still configures a major problem in Brazil.

The Brazilian Flags

Apart its official flag, Brazil has got 27 other flags for its federative units. Learn in this article what they are and what they mean.

Forming a Non-governmental organization in Brazil

This article is a practical guide with the main steps of forming an NGO in Brazil. We also provide information about the most important legal aspects and procedures involving NGOs in the country.

Labor Unions in Brazil

As we have reported in several of our articles, Brazilian workers are granted with several benefits that are unheard of in many foreign countries. Many of these benefits and regulations are the result of agreements between entrepreneurs and labor unions. Learn in this article how the concept of labor unions works in Brazil and what its particularities are.

Xenophobia in Brazil

Racism is a crime in Brazil and even though we Brazilians like to claim that our country celebrates cultural diversity, we would be naive if we said that there is no racism here. Xenophobia is one of the shapes this racism adopts and the “harm” it causes to the population varies according to where the foreigner comes from.

The Brazilian Publishing Market

In this article we made an overview of the publishing market in Brazil and its trends for the next years. We also include some information about the Brazilian's reading habits and best-sellers books in the country.

Overview of TI Maior

Aiming to develop and increase competitiveness of the national IT segment, the Federal Government released the economic package of incentives "TI Maior", which will be fully explained in this article.

Serviço Social da Indústria - SESI

In this article you'll learn more about Serviço Social da Indústria, also known as SESI, and its actions to promote the development of the citizens in every state of Brazil.

Cheapest cities to live in Brazil

Brazilian neighborhoods can be very expensive, but there are also some places where the cost of living can be more affordable and the quality of life quite acceptable. Find in this article what are the Brazilian state capitals where it is possible to live well without spending too much.

Understand the favela demography

Over the past 10 years, the profile of the Brazilian classes has changed greatly, with an expressive increase of the middle class. However, more access to consumption has not changed some life styles, as we are going to explain in this article.

The Difference Between ISSQN and ICMS

Brazil has so many different taxes for the most varied products and services that, sometimes, people get confused about what should be paid.

Women and business in Brazil

It is no secret that Brazilian women (or maybe I should say Latin American women), even though representing the majority of college graduates, still earn less than men and still have a hard time occupying management positions. This behavior towards businesswomen is historical and in this article I will try to explain where it comes from.