educational system


There are 459 results for "educational system" on The Brazil Business.


Common Benefits in Brazil

Differently from what happens in many countries, in Brazil sometimes a good salary is not enough to keep a good employee. Learn what exactly Brazilians consider to be a good job and how your company can avoid staff turnovers.

Understand Brazilian Tax Incentives and Consumers once and for all

There are not many people that can truly say they completely understand the Brazilian Tax system, neither can we. This article will give you an outside-in view of Brazilian Tax incentives and policy.

Lottery in Brazil

Because in 2011 Brazilians reached new records on betting in the lottery, in 2012, the government stimulates the practice through incentives, as allowing people to bet online, for example. Find in this article why lottery in Brazil is so popular and if a foreign can participate.

Consumer Rights in Brazil

Brazil has one of the most complete Consumer Defense system of the world, counting with the support of several institutions and regulations. Know more about how national laws protect the consumers and what to do in case you feel damaged

I am arrested in Brazil, now what?

Assuming foreigners may not know that some actions in Brazil are illegal, here we are to avoid them from saying: “But I didn’t know!!”

Import of animals to Brazil for research purposes

Making scientific researches using animals to make lab experiences before applying in humans is common in many countries, and importing these animals to Brazil faces some trouble as bureaucracy.

The difference between Argentina and Brazil

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Brazil and Argentina? Well, they are both South American countries, right? But what else? In this article, we prepared an introduction to the history of these countries, their political and economic features, and their differences regarding business.

Work and Live as a Muslim in Brazil

Brazil has a large Islamic community, formed from several migratory waves throughout its history. Know in this article how Muslims are integrating in the Brazilian society and how the country deals with the coexistence of different religions.

Getting a Business Degree in Brazil

Brazilian universities are being highly sought by professionals that want to get a business degree in an emergent economy. This article will give an outline of the Brazilian receptiveness to foreign students, and nominate the best schools to get a business expertise in the country.

Dress code in Brazil by industry

In our article “Dress for success in Brazil” we gave a general idea on what to wear in the Brazilian corporate environment. In this article we would like to give some more details about the Brazilian dress code and how it may vary according to the industry.

Business meals in Brazil, what to do?

Business meals are part of the routine of many people in Brazil. Find in this article what are the rules to have a good business meeting without worries about what is wrong and what is right in terms of eating. This article will teach you how to do well in a business meal in Brazil.

International Schools in Brazil

Coming to Brazil with kids always leads to the question: “how is their education going to be like?”. Brazil offers several options for different preferences (and pockets!). Learn what your options are and what are their advantages and disadvantages.

Introduction to IBGE

IBGE is one of the most prestigious Brazilian institutes, responsible for providing data regarding geosciences and social, demographic and economic statistics. It is the major national institute in terms of providing information about Brazil.

7 Largest Investment Projects in Brazil

Brazil has received lots of foreign investments over the last ten years and has also invested in several aspects of the Brazilian economy and infrastructure in order to prepare the country for the sports events it is about to host. Learn in this article what are the largest investment projects taking place in Brazil.

Brazil 2014: Use after the World Cup

Hosting a major event such as the World Cup is often seen as an honor by the citizens of the hosting country. But at the end of the day, is it really a benefit or a burden? Do countries generate great profits from these events, or do they find themselves with much more problems than they already had before?