customs clearance


There are 201 results for "customs clearance" on The Brazil Business.


What is the Simplified Tax Regime?

If I send goods purchased from a UK website to Brazil via mail/courier will simplified regime of 60% apply? Does the 60% apply to the total cost of goods+shipping+insurance? Do I need to pay 18% ICMS on top of that? If so is that 18% of the cost of the goods or good+shipping+insurance?

Why must I be robbed every time I receive a package from abroad?

Every time someone sends something from abroad to Brazil, there is a heavy tax that must be paid in order to retrieve it from the postal service. All of my friends have stories of family members sending them items, only to have them stolen by the Brazilian postal service because they wouldn't pay an outrageous tax. I personally had to pay R$32 to retrieve my credit card from the postal service. How is that for stupid? I want to spend money in this country, yet I'm being taxed and effectively being told that I might as well buy elsewhere.

Importing software into Brazil

International companies are aware that Brazil has a huge IT market to be explored, but the current Taxation and Customs Law lack updates regarding software sales. Understand the contradictions about imports in this area.

Import duties on shopping online from US to Brazil?

My understanding is that the import tax rate in Brazil is roughly 50% of the product value. Having recently visited São Paulo, it seemed to me that basic products at the few malls I visited were excessive even with the exchange rate. I was looking for tennis shoes as I didn't bring any and the cost was anywhere from 400 to 600 real (about $220 - $330 US). That's very high in comparison to the same shoes in the US. I understand that a lot of Brazilians visit the US to shop and that the visa process is about to become easier. But considering the cost of travel, it would appear that shopping online through a service that offers a US address (to facilitate US purchases) and then forwards the items to Brazil would be a cheaper alternative. What I am wondering is if the import tax rates are based on the price of the exact product being imported or based on a comparable item's cost in Brazil?

Bonded Warehouse Operators in Brazil

We have received several inquiries regarding bonded warehouse operators in Brazil. Having this in mind, we have decided to list six operators in the major Brazilian ports.

Importing vessels to Brazil

That the Brazilian waterways are poorly explored we already know, but now it's time to approach the restrictions to the imports of vessels to Brazil and how does protectionism affects the development of this sector.

How to import textiles and garments from China to Brazil?

Brazilians often associate Chinese goods as cheap knock-off products. This article will outline the complete process of importing Chinese textiles and garments to Brazil.

How to import anything into Brazil

Brazil is a very large importer, especially when it comes to supplying its industrial sector with raw materials, machinery and equipments. In this article, we outlined the generic flow of paperwork and money with regard to imports in the country.

How to export from Brazil

Learn in this article what are the documents, norms, advantages and payment modalities to export from Brazil.

Import of antique cars to Brazil

Vehicles older than 30 years can only be imported with cultural and collection intentions by private persons. This article will give you an overview about the process of importing antique vehicles to Brazil.

Taxes on Tobacco Products in Brazil

Tobacco products have become more and more expensive in Brazil as taxation has reached levels that can be considered to be abusive. Learn in this article what are the taxes applying to tobacco products and why these products have become so expensive.

Costs of brokerage services in Brazil

Getting your products into Brazil is a crucial step for the establishment of your business in the country. With that in mind, we have made a selection of the most common services related to brokerage in Brazil and what its average costs are.

Export Declaration from Brazil

Getting an export declaration from Brazil can be a very bureaucratic procedure. Learn in this article how to issue this document and what can happen if the provided documentation is not approved by the customhouse.

Importing Personal Goods to Brazil

Moving to Brazil has several stages and bringing your belongings is a very important one. Learn in this article what are the basic procedures to bring your goods to Brazil.

Importing Drugs and Medicines to Brazil

This article is an introduction to the import of drugs and medicines in Brazil. You will get to know the legal procedures, the lists of substances allowed by the sanitary agencies and the licenses companies will need in order to import them.