Igor Utsumi

Igor Utsumi

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


How To Obtain A Limited Radar License

Igor Utsumi

Igor Utsumi

Staff Writer
The Brazil Business


In some cases, importers are granted a simplified license to access Siscomex. This article explains what the Limited Radar License is and how to get it.

The Siscomex system is responsible for structuring foreign trade operations. It must be accessed whenever it is necessary to provide data about the import and export processes or when requesting information about the current operation status.

The access to Siscomex is granted to those companies — and, sometimes, individuals — that own a specific license: Radar, which stands for Sistema de Rastreamento da Atuação dos Intervenientes Aduaneiros or Ambient of Registration and Tracking of Activities of the Customs Agents in English.

From 2006 to 2012 there were four Radar types: Ordinary, Simplified, Special and Restricted. A few changes have occurred since then. Names, deadlines, and the fiscal analysis of the companies applying for a license have gone through changes.

One of the main alterations is the role of the Federal Revenue. While in the old system the companies selected a category before obtaining the license, now the governmental body decides which type of license will be granted.

What Is A Limited Radar License

The limited Radar license is the category that essentially replaced the Simplified Radar. It is used most often by smaller companies or by those that do not import frequently.

In this modality, these companies can import goods with a maximum quota of USD 150,000 over a six month period. There is no limit for exportation. This license is granted to those companies whose financial capacity is equal or under USD 150,000.

Companies seeking to import goods worth more than the USD 150,000 limit must prove their financial capacity and get an Unlimited License. The financial capacity is a factor calculated from the summed revenue of the company in the five years previous to the license application, discounting any revenue related to foreign trade.

This information is obtained from the Federal Revenue database based on the collection of taxes like IRPJ, CSLL, PIS and Cofins. At first, the governmental body decides which type of license will be granted. If the company wants a unlimited license but was granted a limited one it is possible to ask for a review.

Necessary Procedures and Documents

Any company applying for a Radar license — Limited or Unlimited — must submit a Federal Revenue unit with the following documents and forms filled:

  1. Requerimento de Habilitação, or License Application, known as Anexo Único
  2. ID copy of the company’s legal responsible
  3. Articles of Association
  4. Certificate issued by the Board of Trade, which contains the company’s information
  5. Power of attorney, if required

The company must also have an Electronic Tax Address, or Domicílio Tributário Eletrônico (DTE), which is provided by the Federal Revenue.

Fiscal Analysis and Reviews

After presenting the required documents to start the process the companies are subject to fiscal analysis in order to define its financial capacity.

In some cases the Federal Revenue might request documents proving the physical existence of the company, its operational capacity, and other information.

Terms and Deadlines

Even though the limit is set for each six month period, a Radar license is valid for 18 months for both Limited and Unlimited licenses. This period is counted from the granting of the license or from the date when the last foreign trade operation registered at Siscomex was made.

The changes made in 2012 also reduce the waiting time for a license. Previously, the Federal Revenue had a 30-day deadline to grant the license or to review the company’s financial capacity. Now, this limit has been lowered to 10 days for both limited and unlimited licenses.

When a Radar License Is Not Necessary

A company or individual is exempt of owning a Radar license in some importation processes. Most notable cases are: