There are 1000 results for "converse like a brazilian" on The Brazil Business.
As there are delicious Brazilian dishes that please the foreign palate there are also those that are not so desired and even cause malaise. This article will help you learn which ones you should try and which ones you should definitely stay away from.
This article will give you an overview of the Brazilian education system and how it directly affects the country's economic growth and development.
The Brazilian Boards of Trade provide a variety of services to commercial entities that operate in Brazil, however most of the services are not free. In this article you will find out about the fees charged by these government bodies.
Brazil is known for having a high tax burden on its citizens and companies. We will provide an overview of the most common taxes in Brazil, dividing them into Federal, State and Municipal.
Foreigners often refer to Brazil as a country with very strict labour laws and too many benefits for its employees. In this article we will learn more about the Brazilian labour laws and its reflections on the behavior of Brazilian professionals.
In order to facilitate the identification of places in Brazil this article will help you to understand Brazilian addresses, explaining abbreviations, how to send letters and how to read or write an address on a business card, for example.
In a world of increasing appreciation for cross-cultural competence, it is imperative to adapt to new cultures. Brazilians have a unique manner of handling things, that can surprise unprepared foreigners. This article will enlighten you about the "jeitinho brasileiro", and explain how it can affect your life and business in Brazil.
When travelling abroad, one of the many things that strikes tourists the most is the way people behave with each other, especially when it comes to a thing almost every tourist likes to do: shopping. In this article, we will give you tips on how to behave in a Brazilian store.
This article will explain you some key points regarding the business relationship between Brazil and India.
It's easy to get confused when trying to call in Brazil or are trying to look-up a Brazilian telephone number. This guide give a short introduction on how the phone system is structured and how you can navigate your way trough the phone system.
There are a few subjects related to bureaucracy and perceptions about Brazil that catch foreigners by surprise especially when they are planning to set up or already are in the process to open their business in the country.
What does CPF stands for? Is it like a social security number?
Everyone who moves to Brazil needs a cpf? Is it related to how long we'll stay in the country?
Hi. If I move to Brazil do I have to issue a CPF or is it only for Brazilian citizens?
While European often focus on their capability to do things, Brazilians as well as Americans tend to focus on their competence and experience about things they have already done.