são paulo


There are 439 results for "são paulo" on The Brazil Business.


Political Parties in Brazil

Brazil has a multiparty system with several political parties sharing the vote. In this article we will provide information on the most active Brazilian parties and give a general idea of how the political works in the country

Cost of living in Natal

One of the most promising capitals of the Brazilian Northeast region, Natal has an economic potential still half explored, what has been attracting a lot of foreigners. Know more about how much a professional would spend while living in this city.

What is the duty rate for illuminated signs, category 9405.60.00?

I have been asked to manufacture 4 LED commercial advertising signs in China for a business in Brazil. We need to know the duty rate in order to import these 4 illuminated signs into Brazil. Can you please advise the duty rate for that category that we feel is 9405.60.00? Thank you. Gary R. Weiss w4sons@yahoo.com

Import duties on shopping online from US to Brazil?

My understanding is that the import tax rate in Brazil is roughly 50% of the product value. Having recently visited São Paulo, it seemed to me that basic products at the few malls I visited were excessive even with the exchange rate. I was looking for tennis shoes as I didn't bring any and the cost was anywhere from 400 to 600 real (about $220 - $330 US). That's very high in comparison to the same shoes in the US. I understand that a lot of Brazilians visit the US to shop and that the visa process is about to become easier. But considering the cost of travel, it would appear that shopping online through a service that offers a US address (to facilitate US purchases) and then forwards the items to Brazil would be a cheaper alternative. What I am wondering is if the import tax rates are based on the price of the exact product being imported or based on a comparable item's cost in Brazil?

Bonded Warehouse Operators in Brazil

We have received several inquiries regarding bonded warehouse operators in Brazil. Having this in mind, we have decided to list six operators in the major Brazilian ports.

Pamela Luiz

Pamela is a Brazilian graduate of the University of South Florida and is now completing her MBA as an International Business Major with emphasis in global business, human persuasion and group interaction.

Custom Rates in Brazil

Hi, We are looking to sell 1 our our systems in Brazil. Our customer is asking us what custom rate he will pay when importing the goods in Brazil. Goods are manufactured in Canada HS Code for our system is: 9508.90.00.00 Hope you can answer Best regards Sylvain Larose Coo Triotech Amusement Inc.

Getting a Mobile Phone in Brazil

According to Anatel, there are 242,2 million mobile phones in Brazil and the country occupies the 5th position in the ranking for the most profitable markets for mobiles in the world. But is such a strong market foreigner-friendly?

Rental prices for offices in Brazil

In this article, you will be informed about the average rental prices of prime offices in Brazil. We covered the largest and more productive state capitals of the country, located in three Brazilian regions

The Brazilian Automotive Industry in a Nutshell

The Automotive Industry in Brazil has boomed after ex-president Fernando Collor de Mello opened up the market in 1990, but high production costs, high taxes and technology deficit are barriers that Brazil is still struggling to defeat

Tax on Products in Brazil

One of the main criticisms regarding the Brazilian Taxation is its extremely heavy burden on consumption.This article will provide information about the taxes inlaid on the products' price and how it harms both consumers and companies.

Health care in Brazil

Unlike other countries, Brazil has got a public health care system providing services to the entire population. Learn some characteristics of this system, what are the alternatives offered by the private initiative and how foreigners can have access to healthcare in Brazil.

Patrick Lenhart

With his many cross-cultural travel experiences and international volunteer work, education and work experience, Patrick Lenhart knows he has the right skills, vision and values to be a successful asset to any international accounting/finance team operating in Brazil.

Import duties on baby products

I am trying to find out the import duties payable on certain baby products but can't find the commodity codes listed? e.g.61119019 & 61113090

Work and Live as a Muslim in Brazil

Brazil has a large Islamic community, formed from several migratory waves throughout its history. Know in this article how Muslims are integrating in the Brazilian society and how the country deals with the coexistence of different religions.