porto alegre


There are 66 results for "porto alegre" on The Brazil Business.


Bonded Warehouse Operators in Brazil

We have received several inquiries regarding bonded warehouse operators in Brazil. Having this in mind, we have decided to list six operators in the major Brazilian ports.

Rental prices for offices in Brazil

In this article, you will be informed about the average rental prices of prime offices in Brazil. We covered the largest and more productive state capitals of the country, located in three Brazilian regions

The 20 Greatest Brazilian Brands

Check in this article some information about the most powerful and valuable Brazilian brands. Enjoying global reputation, those brands are in full process of national and international expansion, captivating their consumers and clients and increasing their market share.

Rent an office in Brazil

The process of renting an office in Brazil can be very bureaucratic. From the choice of the property to the regularization process there are some particularities involved. Learn in this article how to rent an office in Brazil and what are the particularities of this process.

Vaccinations Required in Brazil

People that are used to travel abroad know that the vaccination card is an important document to keep updated. This article will inform you about the mandatory vaccines in Brazil, the most common diseases in the country and how to be protected from them.

The Brazilian Flags

Apart its official flag, Brazil has got 27 other flags for its federative units. Learn in this article what they are and what they mean.

13 Global brands that are not in Brazil

Being a global brand, successful in many countries sometimes is not enough to make companies bring their business to Brazil. Find out in this article some of the major international brands that are not present in Brazil yet.

Interstate customs in Brazil

ICMS is the only tax levied on interstate operations in Brazil. In this article, we will detail the calculation of this tax on transactions between the Brazilian states.

DPC - Contribution to Ports and Coastal Administration

The DPC is a tax levied upon companies that provide services related to maritime, waterway or lake administration.

Getting to and from the Airport in São Paulo

Are you going to São Paulo, but don't you have any clue about how to get to or from the Airport? This article gives the most important aspects about how to get around by public transit such as metro, train, and bus or by rental car and taxi.

Cruise Ship Industry in Brazil

For two years Brazil has occupied an important position on the map of the cruise ship market internationally. This article explains why this activity is so intense in the country and what possibilities the market offers.

How to Get an Anvisa License

Anvisa is a large Brazilian Agency with many responsibilities and competencies. This article outlines how to get an Anvisa license in some specific cases.

History of Colonial Brazil

Brazilian history can be divided in three parts: when it was a colony, then, as an empire, and years after, as a republic. In this article, we try to show some historical moments of the largest Portuguese colony between the 16th and the 19th centuries.

Fruit Market in Brazil

Brazil is third largest producer of fruit in the world. The country is responsible for the production of almost 42.2 million tons of this product and has an arable area of 2.2 million hectares distributed throughout the country.

20 Most Valuable Brands in Brazil

Brazil is reportedly one of the first targets of multinational companies that are thinking about global expansion. But what about Brazilian brands? This article will list the most valuable brands of the country currently.