Independent contractors, freelance professionals, people that receive money from abroad, among others have to pay the Brazilian Income Tax through the Carnê Leão also known as Darf. In this article, we explained everything you need to know about this specific tax collection system.
Tobacco products have become more and more expensive in Brazil as taxation has reached levels that can be considered to be abusive. Learn in this article what are the taxes applying to tobacco products and why these products have become so expensive.
In this article, we will explain the differences between these two taxation arrangements determined by the Brazilian corporate legislation.
We already wrote several articles about sales taxes in Brazil, but discussing each tax separately. In this article, we have made a summary of all the taxes levied on sales activities in the country.
This article will provide an introduction to Cofins, one of the contributions destined to finance the Brazilian Social Security system.
The PIS/PASEP were established to promote the participation of the employees in the development of the companies. In practice, consists of a cash transfer program, aiming the better distribution of national income. This article will provide information about how those contributions are charged, what entities must pay them and at what rates.
The IOF tax was created to replace the CPMF tax, abolished in 2008. In this article, you will know the basic information about this federal tax and its rates levied on credit, exchange, securities and insurance transactions.
Recibo is widely used as an alternative to Nota Fiscal in transactions involving sales or services in Brazil. This article will give a short outline about the different implications of Recibo and Nota Fiscal and the validity of these papers to the Brazilian Tax System.
One of the main criticisms regarding the Brazilian Taxation is its extremely heavy burden on consumption.This article will provide information about the taxes inlaid on the products' price and how it harms both consumers and companies.
The Brazilian Constitution provides that part of the money collected from federal taxes must be passed to the states and municipalities. This article will give a brief overview of the Participation Funds, its calculations and distributions.