Guide to Tax in Brazil

Chronic Medical Conditions Tax Exemptions

There are cases where individual taxpayers are exempt from paying income tax, and this applies for people with chronic medical conditions. In this article you will learn how the tax benefit is given and who is eligible to apply for it.


Introduction to CPOM

When providing services in different cities, it is necessary for legal entities to inform the city Secretariat of Finances in order to avoid tax accounting issues. In this article we will learn more about this registry, called CPOM.


BNDES Credit Lines and Accredited Suppliers

The Brazilian government offers multiple incentives for small and medium national companies. Among these, there are special credit lines that are easier to obtain and help small and medium companies grow. In this article, we will understand what it means to be a BNDES Fornecedor Credenciado.





Income Tax Discounts

Brazilian individual taxpayers of income tax, known as IRPF, can benefit from different deductions that reduce the amount payable or increase the chances of a IRPF refund. In this article we will look at which expenses can be deducted.


Income Tax Reduction for Brazilian Companies Promoting Abroad

In order for company services or products to establish themselves in foreign markets, it is necessary that the products or services be known outside Brazil, thus the importance of international promotion of Brazilian companies. Let us take a look at how this is encouraged by the Brazilian government.


Mandatory Insurance for Work Accidents

SAT is the Accident Insurance granted to workers, providing financial aid in case of an accident or any other harmful situation that might occur in a working situation. In this article you are going to understand how this insurance is applied.


Tax Incentives for Brazilian Startups

With the aim of reducing the tax burden for new startup technology companies defined by law as denominated startups, the Brazilian Government created, back in 2012, a project of law to establish a special system called SisTENET for this sector.


Airport Fees in Brazil

The use of airport facilities and services can present many fees that guarantee the good functioning of these services. In this article you are going to learn more about what these fees represent and how they are applied.


IRPJ Exemption for Digital Inclusion Program

In Brazil, companies that contribute to the Digital Inclusion Program receive tax incentives from the government. These companies are exempt from paying income tax, which in Brazil is IRPJ. In this article you will learn more about this tax relief.


Taxation on Bitcoin

Bitcoin is not regulated as a currency in Brazil because the Central Bank considers it too small to apply any specific currency regulation. Still, treated as an asset, the coin needs to be stated as Income Tax.
