Guide to Business Culture in Brazil

Minimum Wage in Brazil

The minimum wage is of extreme importance in Brazil, as over 48 million people have their wage calculated on the value of the minimum wage. In this article, we will learn more about the minimum wage in Brazil, as well as different values for it in some states.


Main Exhibition Venues in São Paulo

On average there is one event every six minutes in São Paulo and 75% of the largest exhibitions in the country take place in the city, which has several exhibition venues available. In this article we will look at the city's major exhibition venues.


Equipment Rental in Brazil

When participating in fairs or other events, it is common for companies to rent various equipment in order to aid their trade promotion. In this article, we will learn more about equipment rental in Brazil.





23 + Coworking Spaces in São Paulo

Coworking is a style of work that involves a shared working environment, like an office, with independent workers. Unlike a typical office, these coworkers are usually not employed by the same organization. In this article you are going to see a few coworking spaces in São Paulo.


Brazilian Relation with Regional Blocs

As a major economic and political force in Latin America, Brazil is part of various trade blocks in the region. In this article, we will learn more about regional economic and political blocks that Brazil holds relations with.


Bargaining in Brazil

Searching for the best price on products and services from various institutions and asking for a discount is a very common practice in Brazil. In this article we will look at the art of bargaining in Brazilian culture.


Understanding Real Ouro

The Real Ouro is the currency created as a unique rate for Brazilian consular charges in other countries. It is used for calculating the price of official documents and other services provided by consulates.


Divisions of South Korean Companies That Are Not Present In Brazil

Distinguished around the world, these 5 companies do much more than it’s usually known. While manufacturing electronics, only a few of us would know that Samsung also builds apartments, or that Hyundai’s owner started as a businessman selling rice. In this article, there are five companies that offer diversified services other than what they offer in Brazil.


An Overview of Poupatempo

Poupatempo is a state government project in São Paulo that offers different public services in the same place. It works as a shortcut for extended bureaucracy to get documents and licenses. The most popular services offered are the issuance of IDs, criminal record certificates, CPTS or workbook and driving licenses.


Most Popular Brazilian Telenovelas

Often depicting aspects of daily life in a country, telenovelas have been a centerpiece of Brazilian media since the 1950s. In this article, we will take a look at the most popular telenovelas.
